Select Property Management Ltd

Residential Property Management Specialists


– A team you can depend on – we go the extra mile, that little bit further

Christine McKee – Director/Property Manager

Christine believes in providing quality service to our clients, making the owning of an investment property a satisfying and relaxed experience. Christine’s professional and friendly manner, earn her great respect from her clients – landlords, tenants and contractors. Christine joined the Real Estate industry in 1997 and in that time has built a reputation for professionalism, honesty and maintaining high standards. 
She is a specialist property manager with a good knowledge of the local rental market, both residential and rural. Supported by a part time administrator allows Christine to be totally responsible for all facets of the business and undertake all tasks.  Being totally hands on she knows what owners want and expect from us. Communication has been the key to her success and she ensures all clients are fully informed and know exactly what is happening with their property. We know how important regular feedback and communication is. Our landlords experience an unprecedented level of communication and service.

Jenna McKee – Property Manager

With several years’ experience in the property management industry and prior experience in hotel management and the education sector, Jenna has a wide range of skills and knowledge that are invaluable to her role.  She provides a support service to the team assisting all in focusing on the needs of landlords and tenants. Jenna is very efficient, enjoys learning new tasks and ensures procedures are in places in order that all processes run smoothly. Jenna believes in quality customer service and is always willing to assist with client’s needs.   Based in Taupo, Jenna also runs the property management division of our company in this area, offering friendly and professional service to her clients.

Misty-Lee Wallbutton – Rentals Assistant

 Originally from Lake Tekapo I now live with my family of husband, three children, a gentle giant of a dog, a kitten and 10 calves in rural Franklin.  They all keep me on my toes and I love it.

I am a reliable, responsible and well organised person who enjoys working with people, all attributes that fit well with property management.  Since joining Select Property Management in 2022, I have really enjoyed getting to know everyone and am proud of the positive relationships I have built with our property owners and tenants.   I love that none of my days are the same and are always busy.  I am focused on providing great customer service and maintaining the high standards Select Property Management is renown for.


With our expertise and management systems we are able to provide owners with the peace of mind that their property really is in good hands and that their valued asset is well protected.
We intend to remain a small company and maintain the number of properties managed at a level that we can handle personally. This ensures a hands on approach – one of Select Property Managements key principles

Property inspections are personally conducted four times per year with high standards set which we expect tenants to maintain. Tenant selection is critical in establishing a problem free tenancy and again Select Property Management has set high standards in this area. 
Select Property Management has established a ‘no tolerance’ stand on rent arrears and their tenants are made aware of our protocol for arrears and our expectations.  Occasionally circumstances change and a tenant will miss a rent payment.  Rent payments are checked daily, so we know straight away if a payment is missed.  Immediate contact is made with the tenant and we find this is generally rectified in a day or so.  A ’14 day breach of tenancy’ letter is sent and we will then follow the correct procedures to take this to the Tenancy Tribunal.  However they rarely need to attend mediation or court as they are in constant contact with tenants until rent is paid or a payment plan is in place.
It is important that they keep in touch with industry trends and changes, current legislation and ‘best practice’ standards.  Christine regularly attends training and seminars and also facilitates the Auckland Independent Property Managers group.

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