Select Property Management Ltd

Residential Property Management Specialists

Downloads for Tenants

Maintenance advice form

    Address of property applying for:

    Legal First Name:

    Middle Name:

    Last Name:

    Preferred Name:

    Phone Number:

    * Email – required:

    Are you 18 or over?

    1. Full Name:

    Phone Number:


    2. Full Name:

    Phone Number:


    Please name occupants who will not be on the tenancy agreement e.g. children, elderly dependents
    Name 1:


    Name 2:


    Name 3:


    Name 4:


    The purpose of collecting this information is to conduct a reference check to determine your suitability as a tenant.

    Landlord Name:

    Landlord Phone Number:

    Landlord Email:

    The purpose of collecting this information is to conduct a reference check to determine your suitability as a tenant.
    1. Landlord Name:

    Landlord Phone Number:

    Landlord Email:

    2. Landlord Name:

    Landlord Phone Number:

    Landlord Email:

    Please provide two other references e.g. manager, supervisor, case manager, or other professional reference. The purpose of collecting this information is to conduct a reference check to determine your suitability as a tenant.
    1. Name:

    Phone Number:


    2. Name:

    Phone Number:


    This property may have a restriction on parking.
    This could mean that there is no parking at the property or parking spaces are limited. Please provide the total number of vehicles (cars, boats, trailers etc), for the suitability of the property.

    Will You be Parking on the Property?
    Total Number of Vehicles:

    This property may have a restriction on pets.
    This could mean that no pets are permitted or that the type and number of pets is restricted. If you have a pet or pets it is important that you disclose this to the property manager so they can see if your pet fits with the restrictions for this property.
    Please add a description of each pet that will be living at the property.

    Is Your Pet Registered?
    Pets Name:




    Tell us About Your Pet:

    This property may have a restriction on smoking.
    This could mean that smoking is not permitted or restricted to certain areas. If you or any of the occupants are smokers it is important that you disclose this to the property manager.

    Are you or any of the occupants smokers?

    What other information should we know about that would help support your application?

    Additional Notes:

    I agree to you checking any of the details contained on this application form with any credit reference service or tenant information database.

    I acknowledge that the information may then be made publicly available through credit bureaus or tenant default databases.

    I understand the information on this application will be a part of any Tenancy Agreement.

    I agree that you may use any of the information regarding my identity supplied on this application form to assist in the enforcement of any unsatisfied order made against me by the Tenancy Tribunal.

    I agree to your contacting any landlord, employer or other such persons named on this application form to confirm, verify and expand on any information supplied by me on this form and to complete a credit check.

    I confirm the information in this form is true and correct and that I have read and signed the Cautions under the Privacy Act 2020 and other information on this application form before completing the application form itself.

    1. Requests Information – This application form asks you to provide personal information
    2. Purpose of Collection – The information collected on this form is required so that the landlord is better able to assess whether you would
    be the best applicant on merit for the tenancy
    3. Sight Information – We advise that you have the right to see the information we hold about you and
    4. Correct Information – To correct that information if it is incorrect in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020.
    5. Holding Information – If you do not enter a tenancy agreement with the Landlord referred to on this application form, the application
    form will be destroyed after one month
    6. Use of Information – You are advised that some information relating to your identity and last known address may be supplied to a credit
    bureau for the purpose of undertaking a credit check
    7. I agree that if my application is successful, I will accept the property in the condition as viewed
    8. I hereby appoint Select Property Management Ltd as my agent to find accommodation for me/us.

    Understanding by completing this form you evidence the fact that you are applying to rent a residential house / flat / apartment and you are further advised that: If you do not supply all the information requested in this application form you may not be considered as the best applicant for the rental property or properties available.

    I have read and agree to the terms and conditions
    I agree to the landlord or landlord’s agent running a credit check on me if I’m made a preferred applicant
    I agree to the landlord or landlord’s agent contacting my references

    Please attach a copy of your signature


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    Other Services (please provide information):

    STAGE 1
    • Proof of identity (eg. Drivers licence, passport. Student ID). This is for verification purposes
    • References from current and previous Landlords if applicable. This is required to conduct a reference check to determine your suitability as a tenant

    STAGE 2
    • Date of Birth. This is required to run a credit check
    • Employment or other professional references – eg case manager, minister, bank manager
    • Evidence of ability to pay rent – eg pay slip, letter from employer or Work & Income, evidence of current rental payments

    After viewing, if you wish to proceed, please complete Stage 1 of the application form and supply as much of the required information as possible. These requirements are optional but helpful in assessing the most suitable applicants for the rental property. If you are considered suitable you will be asked to complete Stage 2. There may be several applications forwarded to the Landlord and the final decision on the successful applicant will be based on information provided and gathered.

    We will advise you of the outcome of your application and if you are successful we require a deposit to be paid directly and will arrange an appointment to sign the tenancy documents.

    For successful new tenants: NOTE – We require payment in full before you receive the keys.
    This includes:
    – 4 weeks rent for the bond
    – 1 weeks rent
    We DO NOT accept Bond Transfers.

    This may take a minute depending on the size of your attachments

    1. Paying Rent:
      It is your legal responsibility to pay rent, to your landlord weekly or fortnightly for the coming week. Please ensure that all rent payments are received before the due date. Your rent payments are to be made directly into our account, preferably by automatic payment. Please note that no rent will be collected physically.
      If you are having problems paying your rent please notify your property manager at the earliest possible time. If you fall into arrears by 21 days we will follow the legal process, which could result in termination of your tenancy and your debt will be lodged with a debt collection agency. We are happy to work out a suitable solution with you if we are contacted as soon as a problem arises.
    2. Property Condition Report:
      At the commencement of a tenancy you will receive a Property Condition Report, which is a record of the condition of the property when you take over. You will have time to read this and make any amendments necessary. When you are happy it reflects the condition of the property then sign and return it to the office. From the start of your tenancy you have seven days to bring any fault to your landlords attention. If this is not done then it is deemed that you accept the report as is and you could be held responsible for any pre existing damages. This report is used at the final vacating inspection.
    3. Occupancy:
      Only the people named (and the number of people) on your tenancy agreement are permitted to reside at the property on a permanent basis. Should a tenant wish to move out please notify your landlord immediately and your agreement may be amended. If one of those named on the tenancy moves out of the property this effectively brings the tenancy to an end. Please contact us to discuss possible options.
    4. Giving Notice to vacate:
      If you decide to leave the property and you are on a periodic tenancy, you are required to give at least twenty eight days notice in writing. We provide a “Notice to Vacate” form. Notice will be effective from the date written notice is received. You will be liable for rent up to and including the 28th day of your notice period. We send an acknowledgment of your notice and advise of the procedure for ending the tenancy, as well as a vacating checklist. For fixed term tenancies the above does not apply as your agreement cannot be terminated by notice. If you do not wish to continue your tenancy you are required to give a minimum of 28 days notice prior to the tenancy end date.
    5. Property Inspections:
      We carry out routine inspections four times per year and advise of an upcoming inspection the week prior in writing. However, under the Residential Tenancies Act 1986 we have the scope to carry these out more frequently if we feel there is a need. Tenants do not have to be present at inspections, however are most welcome and this can be a good opportunity to discuss any problems or aspects of the tenancy. We provide an inspection check list with details of the expected presentation of the property. A report or email is sent if there are any issues that need attention.
    6. Change of Contact Details:
      We ask that we are notified immediately if there are any changes to employment and business, mobile or home telephone numbers and email addresses. This is to ensure that we are able to easily contact tenants if the need arises.
    7. Repairs and Maintenance:
      Should there be any problems with the home, we ask to be advised as soon as possible, especially if it is something dangerous or there is an emergency at the property. We will advise the owner and organize repairs. Contractors should always make contact to arrange access. If access arrangements are not adhered to and the tradesman cannot gain entry, the call out charge will be passed on to the tenant to pay. Also if the tenant arranges with the tradesman to go outside business hours then the extra fee will be passed on to the tenant. Any maintenance arranged by the tenant without permission of the Landlord will be at the tenants cost.
      It is a tenants responsibility to minimize any loss to the owner.
    8. Vacating the Property:
      The property must be left in a clean and tidy condition and all belongings removed. This includes grounds, gardens, stove, garage, windows and carpets. We will organize a final water meter reading and tenants are responsible for the final power meter reading. At the pre-arranged final inspection time all keys are to be handed over and the bond refund form completed and signed. Commercial cleaning charges could be deducted from the bond if the property is not left in a reasonably clean and tidy condition.
      A tenancy will not terminate until all keys are returned to the property manager. Extra days will be charged for if keys aren’t returned on the final day. If all the keys are not returned the locks will be changed and the cost deducted from the bond. A final inspection will be undertaken once the property is vacated and any issues will be discussed after this.
    9. Insurance:
      The Landlord is not responsible for any damage to a tenant’s possessions, they are only responsible for insuring the property. Tenants should take out their own insurance for their possessions / contents. We also strongly advise personal liability insurance. This protects you if there if any damage caused to the property, ie; by a fire you inadvertently caused.
    10. Car parking:
      Tenants are to park only in designated areas. Cars are not to be parked on the grass verges or lawns. Cars that are not warranted, registered or running are not to be parked on the premises.
    11. Painting, Decorating or Renovating the Property:
      Any work can only be done with written permission from the Landlord, and in accordance with local by-laws. Any new colours or products will need to be agreed upon. Any work that is undertaken without permission could result in a tenant being liable for removal costs and costs of returning the property to its original condition.
    12. Animals:
      These may only be kept at the property with the written permission from the Landlord, and in accordance with local by-laws. The tenant will be liable for any damage sustained to the property by the animals. Permitted dogs must be kept under control at all times and be secured to allow access at inspection times. At the end of the tenancy we require fumigation to be included with the carpet clean. Pets not complying with regulations could be removed.
    13. Utilities:
      It is a tenants responsibility to have the utilities (electricity, gas and telephone) connected in their name and the costs are your responsibility. The account must be finalized when the property is vacated.
    14. Grounds:
      It is a requirement of the Tenancy Agreement that the tenant is responsible for keeping the grounds neat and tidy (unless otherwise stated). Gardens weeded, shrubs trimmed and lawns mowed regularly. We will issue 14 day breach notices if we are aware of properties not complying. Please seek advice before removing any plants or pruning large trees or bushes. Compost piles are not permitted and all trimmings and clippings are to be removed from the property.
    15. Water Rates:
      If a property is on metered water supply then the council issues water accounts. Tenants are responsible for payment of the water rates, excluding any fixed charges. The frequency of these accounts depends on the water provider. Water Care Services bill monthly, other providers are quarterly.
    16. Smoking:
      There is no smoking permitted inside the dwelling and tenants will be liable for any damage caused by smoking inside, including cleaning costs. We ask that tenants take care with butts and dispose of them in a suitable container. DO NOT throw them in the gardens.
    17. Locks and Alarms:
      If for any reason you want to change the locks, you must have the Landlords consent and we must be supplied with a new set of keys. Also if you change alarm codes we must be advised of the new codes. These will be your cost.
    18. Property for Sale:
      We will advise in writing if, during your tenancy, the property goes on the market for sale. We will advise you of the appointed salesperson and attempt to minimize any disruption. You are required under The Residential Tenancies Act to allow reasonable access to prospective purchasers.
      We understand that this can be an unsettling time but a tenancy cannot be terminated at a moment’s notice. A fixed term tenancy cannot be terminated when a property is sold and a new owner will effectively be buying a property with a sitting tenant and the tenancy is secure for the term of that tenancy. If it is a periodic tenancy then you must be given minimum 90 days notice to vacate once the property has been sold or if the owner requires it to be vacant for selling.
    19. Keys:
      Usually we hold a spare set of keys in the office. Should a tenant lose their keys or be locked out of the property, they may be able to use our set during office hours, but after hours may have to contact a locksmith at the tenants cost.
    20. Waste Disposals:
      If a waste disposal unit fails to work try pushing the reset button. This is usually located beneath the unit and is red in colour. Do not attempt to disassemble the unit. If pushing the reset button does not resolve the problem we will organize a contractor to come and repair it. Tenants will be required to pay for units that are damaged or blocked due to misuse or abuse.
    21. No Power:
      Contact the supplier if you find that you and your neighbours have lost power. Otherwise check if a safety switch may have tripped out. If so, reset the switch. If it trips again unplug all appliances from powerpoints and reset the switch again. Now plug the appliances back in one at a time until the faulty appliance is located. If there is a fuse box check this for blown fuses.
      Note: If this does not resolve the problem – please call our office. Tenants will be required to pay for any callouts where a faulty appliance belonging to them has caused the problem.
    22. Pool Problems:
      We recommend tenants use a professional pool company to regularly valet and service the pool. If a tenant opts to care for it themselves it must be maintained to a professional standard keeping it clear and clean. The correct water level is a priority and it must be kept at a level which allows water flow. Failure to do this may result in a huge cost to the tenant. No metal objects are to be put into the pool as it could cause corrosion marks or rips in the liner. No animals are permitted in the pool as this causes chemical imbalances. Ensure regular testing of the water to maintain the correct PH level; this helps prevent mould and fungus forming in the pool. Vacuum at least once a week to keep the pool clear of debris.
      Make regular checks of the pump to ensure the motor is working correctly and efficiently (making funny noises could be an indication of a problem). Leaking or pooling water at the pump could mean a cracked casing and may need attention.
      Even if the pool is maintained for you, it is still your responsibility to keep an eye/ear out for any problems.

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